
Welcome to the online home of St Matthew’s Church, Stretton, and St Cross Church, Appleton Thorn!

We’ve created this website (stmandstc.org) for the two parishes. Both churches have their own websites, and you can reach them from here:
St Matthew’s Church, Stretton
St Cross Church, Appleton Thorn

Or you can find our Facebook pages here:

St Matthew’s on Facebook
St Cross on Facebook

I have been vicar of these two parishes in the Diocese of Chester, part of the Church of England, since September 2014.

You can find my (occasional) blog here:

The Vicar writes…

I also tweet in my official capacity, sort of, here:


My installation in September 2014


“We take our duty and obligation to safeguard and protect all people extremely seriously, and we have adopted the national Church of England’s robust safeguarding procedures and guidelines. If you or anyone you are in contact with would like to talk with someone independently, please call the Safe Spaces helpline on 0300 303 1056 or email safespaces@victimsupport.org.ukAlternatively, you may contact the Parish Safeguarding Officer (c/o the Vicarage) or the Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser in the Diocese of Chester, via email or phone: 07703 800031. 

If  you want to get in touch, please do!


The Revd Alan Jewell
Vicar, St Matthew’s, Stretton, and St Cross, Appleton Thorn
The Vicarage, Stretton Road, Stretton, WARRINGTON, Cheshire, WA4 4NT
01925 730276


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